The intended travel date is advised to be 30 days ahead
How to get started
- Deposit to the Emergence Company bank account.
- Confirmation of deposit is accompanied by proof of payment and a KYC form.
- Applicants receive Contract documents if applicable.
- The following documents would be required:
(All should be in PDF and named correctly)
- Passport biodata page
- Passport photo
- Yellow Fever card – Front Page and Inside
- 3 months Bank Statement Stamped on all pages
- Reference letter from Bank
- Personal Reference
- NIN/Drivers license
- Previous Travel stamps if available
- Flight Reservation
- Hotel Reservation
- Processing time: 4 to 8 weeks.
- Cost: $500
- Admin fees: 50k
- Total Cost: $500 plus 50k
Get Started Here
Start a one-to-one WhatsApp conversation to talk through your unique situation.